Dionisis Stefanatos
PhD 2005, DEAS

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Department of Materials Science, School of Natural Sciences, University of Patras, Greece


PhD Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, 2005
Thesis: "Optimal Control of Coupled Spin Dynamics in the Presence of Relaxation"

MSc in Applied Physics, Harvard University, 2003

Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering, highest honors, NTU Athens, 2000
Thesis: Study of the Propagation of Soliton Pulses in Optical Fiber Links with Periodic Amplification from Dual Core EDFA's


Empirikion Foundation research grant 2022. Principal Investigator of the program "Application of quantum control methods to modern quantum technologies", supported with 10,000 euro for bying equipment.

Stanford list of world's 2% top scientists for the single year 2020, subfield General Physics.

Selected to contribute in Times Higher Education (THE) Global Academic Reputation Rankings for 2021-25.

Editorial Board member for the journal Processes, section Process Control and Supervision, 2021.

Reviewer Board member for the journal Entropy, 2019.

SIAM invited paper, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2012. The article [8] below was among the 13 papers selected to represent the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) in this flagship control conference (2363 submissions).

Co-recipient of the Eli Jury award for best thesis, Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, 2005.

Robert L. Wallace Prize Fellowship, Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, 2002.

Technical Chamber of Greece Award for excellent academic achievement, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, 1997-1998.

Various awards in panhellenic high-school competitions, Hellenic Mathematical Society, 1991-1994.


Associate Professor, Department of Materials Science, University of Patras, 2025-present

Assistant Professor, Department of Materials Science, University of Patras, 2020-2024

Senior Researcher, Quantum Technology Lab, Department of Materials Science, University of Patras, 2018-2020

Temporary Lecturer in Physics, Division of Physical Sciences and Applications, Hellenic Military Academy, 2015-2017

Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering, Washington University in St. Louis, 2010-2012

Postdoctoral Fellow, Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, 2005-06

Research Assistant, Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, 2002-05


Electrical Engineer, Prefecture of Kefalonia, 2009-2010

Pre-sales Consultant, Hellenic Telecommunications Organization, 2007-2008

Private (compulsory service), Greek Army, 2006-2007


"Optimal control of the three-level Λ quantum system", Invited Talk, Seminar on Geometric Theory of Optimal Control, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, November 2023.

"Optimal shortcuts of Stimulated Raman Adiabatic Passage in the presence of dissipation", Invited Paper, Theme Issue on Shortcuts to Adiabaticity: Theoretical, Experimental and Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 2022.

"Entanglement dynamics and control at the nanoscale", Invited Paper, Theme Issue on Quantum Computing, ERCIM NEWS, 2022.

"Quantum control methods with application in modern quantum technology", Invited Talk, IEEE Student Branch University of Patras, 2021.

"Shortcut to adiabatic passage using an optimally modified Roland-Cerf protocol", Invited Talk, Shortcuts to Adiabaticity 2020, Toulouse, France, March 2020.

"Robustness of STIRAP shortcuts under Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise in the energy levels", Invited Paper, Special Issue on Quantum Optics in the Service of Quantum Information Science, Applied Sciences, 2020.

"Adiabatic control of quantum dot spin in the Voigt geometry with optical pulses", Invited Talk, 17th International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Computational Techniques in Electrical Engineering (MMACTEE '19), Athens, Greece, December 2019.

"On the relaxation dynamics of a stochastic bosonic Josephson junction", Invited Poster, Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics 2019, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2019.

"Quantum processes via semiconductor exciton-polaritons with applications in quantum technologies", Invited Talk, Energy, Material and Nanotechnology Summer Meeting, Berlin, Germany, July 2018.

"Maximizing entanglement in bosonic Josephson junctions using shortcuts to adiabaticity and optimal control", Invited Paper, Focus Issue on Shortcuts to adiabaticity, New Journal of Physics, 2018.

"Optimal control of quantum systems with applications in thermodynamics", Invited Talk, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete, January 2018.

"Optimal control of the quantum parametric oscillator with applications in thermodynamics", Invited Talk, New Horizons in Optimal Control 2017, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, July 2017. Honorary conference for the distinguished mathematicians Helmut Maurer, Urszula Ledzewicz, and Heinz Shaettler.

"Optimal control of the quantum parametric oscillator with applications in thermodynamics", Invited Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of Ioannina, June 2017.

"Maximizing optomechanical entanglement with optimal control", Invited Paper, Special Issue Quantum coherent feedback and reservoir engineering, Quantum Science and Technology, 2017.

"Control of quantum systems with applications in thermodynamics, optomechanics, and photonic lattices", Physics of Condensed Matter Seminar, Department of Physics, University of Athens, January 2017.

"Time-optimal adiabatic-like expansion of Bose-Einstein condensates", Invited Paper, 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, Hawaii, pp. 3652-3657, 2012.

"Time-optimal frictionless atom cooling in harmonic traps", SIAM Invited Paper, 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, Hawaii, pp. 1065-1071, 2012.


TorchQC: Quantum Dynamics and Control with Machine Learning


Journal Papers

[61] D. Koutromanos, D. Stefanatos, and E. Paspalakis
"Fast generation of entanglement between coupled spins using optimization and deep learning methods", EPJ Quantum Technology, Vol. 11, 85, 2024.[EPJQT]

[60] V. Evangelakos, E. Paspalakis, and D. Stefanatos
"Fast charging of an Ising-spin-pair quantum battery using optimal control", Physical Review A, Vol. 110, 052601, 2024.[PDF][PRA]

[59] D. Koutromanos, D. Stefanatos, and E. Paspalakis
"Control of qubit dynamics using reinforcement learning", Information, Vol. 15, 272, 2024.[INFO]

[58] A. Kalam, W. Cheng, D. Stefanatos, and S. K. Shah
"Statistical reliability assessment with generalized intuitionistic fuzzy Burr XII distribution", Processes, Vol. 12, 915, 2024.[PROC]

[57] D. Stefanatos and E. Paspalakis
"Maximizing four-wave mixing in four-subband semiconductor quantum wells with optimal-shortcut spatially varying control fields", Symmetry, Vol. 16, 261, 2024. [SYM]

[56] V. Evangelakos, E. Paspalakis, and D. Stefanatos
"Minimum-time generation of a uniform superposition in a qubit with only transverse field control”, Physical Review A, Vol. 108, 062425, 2023.[PDF][PRA]

[55] D. Stefanatos, F. Avouri, and E. Paspalakis
"Efficient four-wave mixing in four­-subband semiconductor quantum wells using spatially modulated control fields with a linearly varying mixing angle”, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 134, 094302, 2023.[PDF][JAP]

[54] V. Evangelakos, E. Paspalakis, and D. Stefanatos
"Optimal STIRAP shortcuts using the spin­ to­ spring mapping”, Physical Review A, Vol. 107, 052606, 2023.[PDF][PRA]

[53] R. Hab­-arrih, A. Jellal, D. Stefanatos, and E. H. El Kinani
“Virtual excitations and quantum correlations in ultra­strongly coupled harmonic oscillators under intrinsic decoherence”, Optik, Vol. 278, 170719, 2023.[OPTIK]

[52] V. Evangelakos, E. Paspalakis, and D. Stefanatos
"Efficient light transfer in coupled nonlinear triple waveguides using shortcuts to adiabaticity”, Scientific Reports, Vol. 13, 1368, 2023.[SR]

[51] N. Domenikou, I. Thanopulos, D. Stefanatos, V. Yannopapas, and E. Paspalakis
"Efficient population transfer in a Λ-type quantum system coupled to a gold nanoparticle using STIRAP shortcuts", Annalen der Physik, Vol. 535, 2200478, 2023.[ADP]

[50] D. Stefanatos and E. Paspalakis
"Optimal shortcuts of Stimulated Raman Adiabatic Passage in the presence of dissipation", Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, Vol. 380, 20210283, 2022.[PDF][PTRSA]

[49] A. Smponias, D. Stefanatos, G. P. Katsoulis, I. Thanopulos, and E. Paspalakis
"Efficient biexciton state preparation in a semiconductor quantum dot coupled to a metal nanoparticle with linearly chirped Gaussian pulses", Nanomaterials, Vol. 12, 3098, 2022.[NANOMATERIALS]

[48] N. Domenikou, I. Thanopulos, D. Stefanatos, V. Yannopapas, and E. Paspalakis
"Stimulated Raman adiabatic passage in a quantum system near a plasmonic nanoparticle", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, Vol. 55, 154002, 2022.[JPB]

[47] D. Stefanatos, A. Smponias, I. Thanopulos, and E. Paspalakis
"Efficient exciton generation in a semiconductor quantum­dot–metal­nanoparticle composite structure using conventional chirped pulses", Physical Review A, Vol. 105, 052604, 2022.[PDF][PRA]

[46] D. Stefanatos and E. Paspalakis
"On the optimality of optical pumping for a closed Λ-system with large decay rates of the intermediate excited state", Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, Vol. 55, 045302, 2022.[PDF][JPA]

[45] A. Smponias, D. Stefanatos, and E. Paspalakis
"Efficient biexciton state preparation in a semiconductor quantum dot-metallic nanoparticle hybrid structure using transitionless quantum driving", Annalen der Physik, Vol. 534, 2100316, 2022. [ADP]

[44] D. Stefanatos and E. Paspalakis
"Optimal shape of STIRAP pulses for large dissipation at the intermediate level", Quantum Information Processing, Vol. 20, 391, 2021.[PDF][QIP]

[43] R. Hab-arrih, A. Jellal, D. Stefanatos, and A. Merdaci
"Instability of Meissner differential equation and its relation with photon excitations and entanglement in a system of coupled quantum oscillators", Quantum Reports, Vol. 3, pp. 684-702, 2021. [QREP]

[42] D. Stefanatos and E. Paspalakis
"Optimized pulses for population transfer via laser-induced continuum structures", Physical Review A, Vol. 104, 033101, 2021.[PDF][PRA]

[41] A. Smponias, D. Stefanatos, and E. Paspalakis
"Efficient biexciton preparation in a quantum dot—metal nanoparticle system using on-off pulses", Nanomaterials, Vol. 11, 1859, 2021.[NANOMATERIALS]

[40] E. Paspalakis, A. Smponias, and D. Stefanatos
"Coherent preparation of the biexciton state in a semiconductor quantum dot coupled to a metallic nanoparticle", Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 129, 223104, 2021. [PDF][JAP]

[39] A. Smponias, D. Stefanatos, and E. Paspalakis
"Fast and robust exciton preparation in a coupled semiconductor quantum dot-metal nanoparticle system using shortcuts to adiabaticity", Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 129, 123107, 2021.[JAP]

[38] D. Stefanatos and E. Paspalakis
"A shortcut tour of quantum control methods for modern quantum technologies", Europhysics Letters, Vol. 132, 60001, 2020.[EPL]

[37] D. Stefanatos and E. Paspalakis
"Rapid biexciton-state preparation in a quantum dot using on-off pulse sequences", Physical Review A, Vol. 102, 052618, 2020.[PDF][PRA]

[36] D. Stefanatos, A. Smponias, H. R. Hamedi, and E. Paspalakis
"Ultimate conversion efficiency bound for the forward double-Λ atom-light coupling scheme", Optics Letters, Vol. 45, pp. 6090-6093, 2020.[PDF][OSA]

[35] K. Blekos, D. Stefanatos, and E. Paspalakis
"Performance of superadiabatic stimulated Raman adiabatic passage in the presence of dissipation and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck dephasing", Physical Review A, Vol. 102, 023715, 2020.[PDF][PRA]

[34] D. Stefanatos and E. Paspalakis
"Dynamical blockade in a bosonic Josephson junction using optimal coupling", Physical Review A, Vol. 102, 013716, 2020.[PDF][PRA]

[33] D. Stefanatos, K. Blekos, and E. Paspalakis
"Robustness of STIRAP shortcuts under Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise in the energy levels", Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, 1580, 2020.[AS]

[32] D. Stefanatos and E. Paspalakis
"Speeding up adiabatic passage with an optimal modified Roland-Cerf protocol", Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, Vol. 53, 115304, 2020.[PDF][JPA]

[31] D. Stefanatos, V. Karanikolas, N. Iliopoulos, and E. Paspalakis
"Rapid optical spin initialization of a quantum dot in the Voigt geometry coupled to a two-dimensional semiconductor", Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, 1001, 2020. [AS]

[30] D. Stefanatos, V. Karanikolas, N. Iliopoulos, and E. Paspalakis
"Fast optically controlled spin initialization of a quantum dot in the Voigt geometry coupled to a transition metal dichalcogenide monolayer", Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, Vol. 118, 113935, 2020. [PHYSE]

[29] D. Stefanatos, V. Karanikolas, N. Iliopoulos, and E. Paspalakis
"Fast spin initialization of a quantum dot in the Voigt configuration coupled to a graphene layer", Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, Vol. 117, 113810, 2020.[PHYSE]

[28] D. Stefanatos and E. Paspalakis
"Resonant shortcuts for adiabatic rapid passage with only z-field control", Physical Review A, Vol. 100, 012111, 2019.[PDF][PRA]

[27] D. Stefanatos and E. Paspalakis
"Relaxation dynamics in a stochastic bosonic Josephson junction", Physics Letters A, Vol. 383, pp. 2370-2375, 2019.[PLA]

[26] D. Stefanatos and E. Paspalakis
"Efficient generation of the triplet Bell state between coupled spins using transitionless quantum driving and optimal control", Physical Review A, Vol. 99, 022327, 2019.[PDF][PRA]

[25] E. Paspalakis and D. Stefanatos
"Research on third-harmonic generation with position-dependent mass in a quantum well: comment", Journal of the Optical Society of America B, Vol. 36, pp. 837-839, 2019.[JOSAB]

[24] E. Paspalakis and D. Stefanatos
Comment on "Study on the optical rectification and second-harmonic generation with position-dependent mass in a quantum well" [Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 119 (2018) 50–55], Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Vol. 126, pp. 178-179, 2018.[JPCS]

[23] D. Stefanatos and E. Paspalakis
"Efficient entanglement generation between exciton-polaritons using shortcuts to adiabaticity", Optics Letters, Vol. 43, pp. 3313-3316, 2018.[PDF][OSA]

[22] D. Stefanatos and E. Paspalakis
"Boosting entanglement between exciton-polaritons with on-off switching of Josephson coupling", Physical Review B, Vol. 98, 035303, 2018.[PDF][PRB]

[21] D. Stefanatos and E. Paspalakis
"Maximizing entanglement in bosonic Josephson junctions using shortcuts to adiabaticity and optimal control", New Journal of Physics, Vol. 20, 055009, 2018. [PDF]

[20] D. Stefanatos
"Fast control of a gun turret using shortcuts to adiabaticity", Journal of Applied Mathematics and Bioinformatics, vol. 8, pp. 17-28, 2018. [PDF]

[19] D. Stefanatos
"An exponential bound in the quest for absolute zero", Physical Review E, Vol. 96, 042103, 2017. [PDF][PRE]

[18] D. Stefanatos
"Maximizing optomechanical entanglement with optimal control", Quantum Science and Technology, Vol. 2, 014003, 2017. [PDF][QST]

[17] D. Stefanatos
"Minimum-time transitions between thermal and fixed average energy states of the quantum parametric oscillator" SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Vol. 55, pp. 1429-1451, 2017. [PDF][SICON]

[16] D. Stefanatos
"Minimum-time transitions between thermal equilibrium states of the quantum parametric oscillator", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 62, pp. 4290-4297, 2017. [PDF][IEEE Xplore]

[15] D. Stefanatos
"Fast cavity optomechanical cooling", Automatica, Vol. 73, pp. 71-75, 2016. [PDF][AUT]

[14] D. Stefanatos
"Design of a photonic lattice using shortcuts to adiabaticity", Physical Review A, Vol. 90, 023811, 2014. [PDF][PRA]

[13] D. Stefanatos
"Optimal efficiency of a noisy quantum heat engine", Physical Review E, Vol. 90, 012119, 2014. [PDF][PRE]

[12] D. Stefanatos and J.-S. Li
"Minimum-time quantum transport with bounded trap velocity", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 59, pp. 733-738, 2014. [PDF][IEEE Xplore]

[11] D. Stefanatos
"Optimal shortcuts to adiabaticity for a quantum piston ", Automatica, Vol. 49, pp. 3079-3083, 2013. [PDF][AUT]

[10] D. Stefanatos and J.-S. Li
"Frictionless decompression in minimum time of Bose-Einstein condensates in the Thomas-Fermi regime", Physical Review A, Vol. 86, 063602, 2012. [PRA]

[9] D. Stefanatos and J.-S. Li
"Anti-phase synchronization of phase-reduced oscillators using open-loop control", Physical Review E, Vol. 85, 037201, 2012. [PDF][PRE]

[8] D. Stefanatos, H. Schaettler, and J.-S. Li
"Minimum-time frictionless atom cooling in harmonic traps", SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Vol. 49, 2440, 2011. [PDF][SICON]

[7] X. Chen, E. Torrontegui, D. Stefanatos, J.-S. Li, and J. G. Muga
"Optimal trajectories for efficient atomic transport without final excitation", Physical Review A, Vol. 84, 043415, 2011. [PDF][PRA]

[6] D. Stefanatos, J. Ruths, and J.-S. Li
"Frictionless atom cooling in harmonic traps: A time-optimal approach", Physical Review A, Vol. 82, 063422, 2010. [PDF][PRA]

[5] D. Stefanatos and J.-S. Li
"Constrained minimum-energy optimal control of the dissipative Bloch equations", Systems and Control Letters, Vol. 59, 10, pp. 601-607, 2010. [PDF][SCL]

[4] D. Stefanatos
"Optimal design of minimum-energy pulses for Bloch equations in the case of dominant transverse relaxation", Physical Review A, Vol. 80, 045401, 2009. [PDF][PRA]

[3] J.-S. Li, J. Ruths, and D. Stefanatos
"A pseudospectral method for optimal control of open quantum systems", Journal of Chemical Physics, Vol. 131, 164110, 2009. [PDF][JCP]

[2] D. Stefanatos, S.J. Glaser, and N. Khaneja
"Relaxation-optimized transfer of spin order in Ising spin chains", Physical Review A, Vol. 72, 062320, 2005. [PDF][PRA]

[1] D. Stefanatos, N. Khaneja, and S.J. Glaser
"Optimal control of coupled spins in the presence of longitudinal and transverse relaxation", Physical Review A, Vol. 69, 022319, 2004. [PDF][PRA]


[1] D. Stefanatos
"Optimal Control of Coupled Spin Dynamics in the Presence of Relaxation", Ph.D Thesis , Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, 2005. [PDF]


[6] D. Stefanatos
"Διαστατική ανάλυση και υπολογισμός της ισχύος και άλλων μεγεθών της πρώτης ατομικής βόμβας", Military Applications of Physics, Hellenic Military Academy, Spring 2017. [PDF]

[5] D. Stefanatos
"Το διαστημικό πρόγραμμα Apollo", Space Sciences, Hellenic Military Academy, Spring 2016. [PDF]

[4] D. Stefanatos
"Γυροσκόπια και εφαρμογές αυτών στην πλοήγηση", Space Sciences, Hellenic Military Academy, Spring 2015. [PDF]

[3] D. Stefanatos
"Υπολογισμός παραμέτρων βαλλιστικού πυραύλου για πλήξη σταθερού στόχου σε συγκεκριμένο χρόνο", Weapon Sciences, Hellenic Military Academy, Spring 2015. [PDF]

[2] D. Stefanatos
"Μέθοδος Hohmann αλλαγής τροχιάς δορυφόρου και σχεδιασμός διαπλανητικών τροχιών", Space Sciences, Hellenic Military Academy, Spring 2015. [PDF]

[1] D. Stefanatos
"Σύνθετα υλικά και εφαρμογές αυτών στη θωράκιση", Defense Materials, Hellenic Military Academy, Spring 2015. [PDF]



American Physical Society
IEEE Control Systems Society
QUAINT, the Quantum Control Network
IEEE Quantum Computing, Systems and Control Committee


Physical Review Letters
Physical Review A
Physical Review B
Physical Review E
PRX Quantum
Nature Communications
Physical Review Applied
Physical Review Research
Optics Express
Journal of Applied Physics
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics
Annalen der Physik
Results in Physics
The European Physical Journal Plus
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A
Nature Scientific Reports
Science China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy
Physics Letters A
Optics Communications
Optics Continuum
Physica Scripta
Modern Physics Letters A
International Journal of Modern Physics B
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
European Journal of Control
Asian Journal of Control
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
Mathematical Reviews
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
American Control Conference
IFAC World Congress
IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control
Dutch Research Council
Romanian Research Council

Last Updated: January 2025